Several months have passed since the release of “The Little Mermaid,” and Halle Bailey is gearing up for her next significant endeavors. The multi-talented artist is...
In a groundbreaking announcement made on September 4th, Sean “Diddy” Combs has made a momentous decision to relinquish the publishing rights of Bad Boy Records to...
Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion made an exciting announcement on Monday, September 4th. They’re teaming up once more to drop a highly anticipated new single...
Discovery Plus is poised to release a compelling two-part documentary on September 4th, shedding light on the much-debated altercation between Megan Thee Stallion and Tory Lanez....
Today, Doja Cat unveiled her latest single, “Demons,” accompanied by a music video featuring Christina Ricci. This release builds anticipation for her upcoming album, Scarlet, and...
Amid mounting excitement for Diddy’s forthcoming sixth studio album, “The Love Album: Off the Grid,” the music mogul himself unveiled the project’s star-studded lineup today (August...
In the past year, Cardi B has intensified her legal dispute with Tasha K, also known as LaTasha Kebe, who already owes the “WAP” artist approximately...
An appeal hearing regarding Tory Lanez has been officially scheduled, marking a pivotal development amidst a barrage of unfavorable media coverage involving the rapper’s legal representative....
On Monday, August 28th, Russ expressed his frustration on Twitter towards Billboard and Luminate, the organizations responsible for monitoring album sales and streams. In a strongly-worded...
It seems like Brandy’s daughter, Sy’Rai, has a knack for pulling off some playful pranks. The R&B singer recently found herself on the receiving end of...