J. Cole, in collaboration with longtime creative and business partners Ibrahim Hamad and Scott Lazer, has launched a groundbreaking limited audio series titled Inevitable. This immersive...
Cashmere Small, known professionally as “Cash Cobain” , dropped his sophomore studio album called PLAY CASH COBAIN on August 23rd, 2024. Cash is an American rapper...
Future and Metro Boomin are on the road, looking to heat up the end of the summer! Both have been enjoying a successful stride with their...
Bas, one of the mainstays at J. Cole label imprint Dreamville, already seen praise in recent years with appearances on the Creed 3, his critically praised...
Delivering one of the most talked-about releases of the fall, St. Louis artist, rapper, songwriter, producer, and disruptor Smino maintains his momentum with the premiere of the music...
J. Cole recently announced that his Dreamville Festival will be returning to his hometown next spring for its third year. Taking place on April 1-2, 2023,...
The organizers of the festival announced Friday (July 1) that the star-studded event – which was scheduled to take place Labor Day weekend – had been...
Per tradition, every November a new list of picks are chosen as contenders to be recognized by the Grammys as the best the year has to...
J. Cole Headlines an Eclectic Night of Hip-Hop, Carti Brings the House Down, and Fans Embrace the Rage in the Rain THE RECAP via Audible Treats...
Atlanta legend and flamboyant trap superstar Young Thug is back with another extensive body of work titled ‘Punk,’ which was teased heavily with the pre rollout...