J. Cole, in collaboration with longtime creative and business partners Ibrahim Hamad and Scott Lazer, has launched a groundbreaking limited audio series titled Inevitable. This immersive...
Making a major move, two-time GRAMMY® Award-nominated platinum-certified Atlanta hip-hop duo EarthGang (consisting of Olu and WowGr8) have partnered with UnitedMasters. This newly minted strategic venture preserves the integrity...
Creed Three starring Michael B Jordan, Jonathon Majors, and Tessa Thompson has already broke records as the first black produced sports film that grossed over $100...
While we wait for the anticipated sophomore album from Ari Lennox, she has gifted her fans with a body of work to hold them over. The...
The Dreamville songstress has returned with a new single more than three years after her debut album, ‘Shea Butter Baby’ in 2019. With production from Dreamville...
The wheels keep turning at Dreamville. In October, Lute dropped his latest project, Gold Mouf and in November EARTHGANG announced a release date of January 18th...
Lute’s Gold Mouf is comprised of thirteen tracks that equate to about 43 minutes long. DEVN, Cozz, BJ The Chicago Kid, Blakk Soul, Ari Lennox, Little...
J. Cole is ready to step off the bench and back into the spotlight as the “Dreamville” rapper is set to promote his sixth studio album...
J. Cole is making headlines and in a big way. It’s no secret the 36-year-old West Germany born rapper has a major interest in basketball, as...