Powerhouse R&B/Hip Hop Label LVRN Signs DMV Artist Alex Vaughn

It might be a DMV thing but singer Alex Vaughn who implores pristine vocals that blends smoothly with creative wordplay and song concept that efficient curates quality records that have thrilled the residents of the Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area. Her talent, beauty, and aura led to LVRN (Love Renaissance), which houses names current music mainstays such as Summer Walker, 6lack, OMB Bloodbath, & manages names such as DVSN, Dram, and more talented artists so Alex is in good hands.
Now, will we see new music to celebrate the moment? I hope so because Alex Vaughn has put in years of work procuring quality music and I’m glad as a fellow DMV native to see the fruits of her labor pay off! For more information and background of her, check out her interview with Abu Sillah of TheDMVDaily here.