Drill is the current sound of the Empire State, powered by a colorful cast of characters from Brooklyn and The Bronx. Providing a unified front in...
After being introduced to the masses by way of a repost on social media from Chris Brown, studio sessions with Rico Love, a co-sign from Jazmin Sullivan, and winning Muni Long‘s ‘Open Verse’ challenge...
“A Place For Us” is yet another incredibly intimate cut for his fans to enjoy. Pardyalone is one of those few acts who is genuinely progressing and...
CEO Trayle announces Happy Halloween 5, his next mixtape, arriving on its namesake day. The upcoming mixtape features some of Trayle’s most expansive production to date, with...
The iconic Dewayne Carter from Louisiana, who goes by the emcee name of Lil Wayne, turns 40 and is arguably one of the greatest artists ever....
Bringing one of the most exciting and explosive collaborations of the year, the international Afropop sensation Adekunle Gold has teamed up with the GRAMMY Award-nominated music...
Philadelphia, PA is known to birth some of hip-hop and RNB’s newest and hottest talent, and rising Uptown, Philadelphia artist Lil Hiddy is definitely next in...
Nigerian singer, songwriter and producer IDAHAMS has unveiled his highly anticipated debut album “Truth, Love & Confessions,” via Grafton Records. Led by the buzzing chart-climbing single...
Kansas-born recording artist Bam Keith has shared his sophomore studio album, “Twin Colours.” The artist brings you soothing, peaceful music that floats like a lucid dream....
Prolific, award-winning Nigerian producer DJ Neptune has released his brand new single “Grinding” featuring the Zimbabwean-born, British music artist S1mba. Inspired by DJ Neptune’s own journey and...