In the 90s, late-comedian Robin Harris was one of the biggest comics in the film industry. Best known for his animated classic “Bebe’s Kids,” Harris would...
While many were busy streaming Brandy’s new B7 LP & Beyoncé’s Black Is King movie, they also discovered Toni Braxton released the name of her up...
Who is Tyrin? I’m 23 Brooklyn born and raised. I’m an artist not a rapper. What have you been up to this summer? I’ve just been...
The recent popularity of her latest video, “Marriot,” has transformed the singer/songwriter Lyrica Anderson into today’s must-hear R&B artist. Today, she continues to amaze with her...
Award-winning music artist, Ksenia, is back with a new single called “Tell Me”. The new record comes as a follow up to its successful forerunner, “Fire...
LittleJohn4K, also known as LJ4K, has formed the habit of releasing heat this summer, and 4 Sides of Me: Fallin‘ will be no different. After her previous...
Charlotte rapper ZayTheGoat is taking listeners on a heartfelt journey through the pain of losing his loved ones on his latest song ‘4TheRealNi**az’. The record acts...
23-year old Brooklyn singer/ songwriter has been making a name for himself in the music industry for quite sometime and nows he’s back with a new...
Introducing Citizen Schraider. A 24-year-old Haitian phenom emerging from the Dirty South with a unique style, magnetic presence and so much more. Today, the world gets...
Drake Has The Most Hot 100 Top 10 Hits Of All Time