Fresh off of being called a “truly horrible human being” by his documentary director, being challenged to a boxing match by his spirit animal Riff Raff, and growing...
Hot Girl, Megan thee Stallion is representing Aquarius season to the max. In honor of her 26th birthday, the Houston native took to the mic and delivered...
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, KAS encapsulates the all consuming feelings of love with his upcoming release “Inhale,” featuring singer/songwriter Eric Bellinger. The intoxicating record...
R&B newcomer Remey Williams would be considered as an iridescent vocal serin, or in layman terms – a vibrant songbird. His voice is unorthodox. A suave...
Grammy-nominated Pusha T and his new Heir Wave Music Group teams up with rising companies, Refresh Music Group and The Clout Cloud (TCC) for a virtual...
Viral social media sensation turned Brooklyn drill frontrunner, Ron Suno, announced today that he and his SBL Music Group are partnering with EMPIRE to distribute his...
Late last year, Mount Vernon’s The Real Simba dropped “Bounce” a fun, high energy single perfectly suited for a viral TikTok dance challenge – and your...
Ascending Houston rapper RedDroue has been elevating to widespread notoriety for years now with his electrifying persona, braggadocious wordplay and undeniable showmanship. In support of his...
Accomplished recording artists Brodie Fresh and Chrishan release a red-hot collaboration single, titled, “Forgive & Forget.” Helping blend the two’s unique sound is platinum producer, Yoni,...
Producergrind is a new brand birthed out of the pandemic that helps up-and-coming producers dreams come true with the help of today’s brightest producers. After establishing...