LMC DUB, hailing from the vibrant, diverse backdrop of Anchorage, Alaska, is redefining the rap game with his unique style and undeniable talent. DUB has created...
An appeal hearing regarding Tory Lanez has been officially scheduled, marking a pivotal development amidst a barrage of unfavorable media coverage involving the rapper’s legal representative....
BRE-Z has unleashed a new record featuring her alter ego, MIZ. MIZ is kicking off its career with a smooth 80s-inspired track titled “1942.” After building anticipation with...
News has surfaced that Lauryn Hill will embark on a tour accompanied by The Fugees, celebrating a quarter-century since the release of her debut, classic album,...
Over the weekend, MMG rapper Gunplay found himself in police custody after allegedly pointing a rifle in the direction of his spouse and their infant child....
This past Monday (August 21st), Drake revealed the official cover to his upcoming album “FOR ALL THE DOGS,” which he announced during the first stop (Chicago)...
Everyone’s favorite budding UK superstars Central Cee and Dave have taken over the summer with fire music, major co-signs, and even a surprise appearance on On...
Toronto hip-hop R&B enigma Swavy unleashes his much-anticipated debut mixtape, Different Breed, via Reps Up Records/Columbia Records. Listen to Different Breed HERE. The project arrives alongside...
Over the past weekend, Lul Tim has been cleared of felony murder charges linked to the shooting of King Von in November 2020. On Sunday (August...
Lil Durk releases a single and music video entitled “F*ck U Thought.” Watch the music video HERE. “F*ck U Thought” sets the stage for the Deluxe Edition of Almost Healed, coming later...