Introducing the emerging Indiana indie Gringo Gang. A five-part group with a blended Trap, Hip-Hop, and Grunge Rock sound. Today, they make their formal introduction with...
With his native city as his backdrop, Wakai Taft offers up a much-needed lighthearted mood with the visuals for his new single “Who Dat” produced by...
GlitchMan is quickly becoming one of the most entertaining new artists in the West. Today, he is joined by the popular Peso Chaberlain and Toosii to...
Layomi, also known as Layomi The Tampa Baes, returns to close out 2020 with another breakout hit from their buzzing EP in the song “Ting.” The...
Syracuse spitter, Baddnews is bringing the heat once again as he lets the world know that he is “Back Now” with his latest single. Following the release...
Past Life Records just dropped its first compilation project on September 27th, 2020. The project, appropriately titled “EDC’s Past Life”, features all of the artists and producers...
After having a huge 2020 with several breakout songs like “Ground Control” and “Suicide Down,” several big collaborations and high volume streaming numbers. Los Angeles-by-way-of-Dallas singer,...
For legendary Battle Rapper Arsonal, also known as Arsonal da Rebel, its a time of change. The known lyrical assassin has a resume that includes victories...
A must for newfound fans of the buzzing Philadelphia Hip Hop, this is a gritty, intriguing and completely uncensored 18-track project with new star OZ Sparx...
Skrizzy, a reemerging sensation know for his Music We Can Fuck Too mixtapes, has been unstoppable in 2020. Racing to the label of “Top Prospect” with...