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Nas Joins Andreessen Horowitz In Africa Gaming Investment




legendary rapper Nas has joined US private equity firm Andreessen Horowitz and Alphabet Inc.’s Google in an investment round for Africa-focused mobile gaming platform – Carry1st. Carry1st, a South African publisher of social games and interactive content across Africa, has raised $20 million Series A from the investors.

The startup, launched by Cordel Robbin-Coker, Lucy Hoffman and Tinotenda Mundangepfupfu in 2018, also received investments from Avenir and the founders of Chipper Cash, Sky Mavis and Yield Guild Games, took part.

It wants to use this additional capital to scale interactive content across Africa, build the workforce and acquire new users. The startup will also partner with studios to develop new concepts and build infrastructure for play-to-earn gaming, according to reports.

From critically acclaimed recent music releases to a string of technology start up and investments it’s safe to say that Nas has consistently kept his name in revlenacy for good reasons for a impressive amount of time.

Source: Abbianca Makoni, People of Color in Technology
