New Music
DMV Socialite And Teacher Azel Prather Jr. Releases Innovative Children’s Educational Hip Hop Mixtape

MusicXclusives love dope black teachers who use music to help the youth!
Making his national debut last year via The Ellen DeGeneres Show for, Mr. Prather, full name Azel Prather Jr., has garnered an amazing reputation for himself due to his brilliant teaching mechanisms that encourage children in Washington, D.C. to learn in a manner that doesn’t bore but excite them! His latest method might be one of the most original and wholesome ones I have ever witness.
He not only took his students to the studio via The Trap Factory but also showed them how a artist curates and procures are full project. The mixtape itself, ‘Move With Mr. Prather,’ is an eight song track list of audio that’s not only meant to keep the kids engaged in learning valuable life lesson but do it in a manner to which they would receive it better.
Fully embellished with modern hip hop production, each song not only is education but fun to listen to. A big reason for this is because Mr. Prather wanted to album that not only simulates black youth to learn but is something that equips black teachers to help educate their youth.
Representation is beautiful and you can see some of his experience making the EP along with streaming ‘Move With Mr. Prather’ below.