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Prominent Music Publication MusicXclusives Hires Livengoodlivin As New Publicist



John Livengoodlivin

Immediate Release

New York, New York [Sep 16, 2021] – MusicXclusives throughout the years has built a recognizable brand that covers entertainers from all spectrums of the music industry and sicovers tomorrow’s new stars with dedicated and detailed journalism. Now, they’re in need of new awareness building strategies that exercise multiple mediums of communications and hired Livengoodlivin, a rising star publicist, to procure hard hitting roll-outs to continue to rise in momentum and curate effect rollouts of the outlet. 

Livengoodlivin, otherwise known as John, at the age of twenty-seven brings years of experience in the PR realm with multiple firm jobs under notable names that have built his Rolodex and reputation while stemming from roots in journalism in outlets such as DTLR Lifestyle, The Rapfest, Kazi Magazine, Singersroom, and more! Coupled in two degrees from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and Bowie State University, MusicXclusives is excited to add him to their executive team and entrust his talents representing them as their publicist moving forward. 

John will implement particular stratagems that use various mediums and facets of communication that build more brand awareness for MusicXclusives. Also, he will

execute various tactics to protect and increase positive brand reputation for the outlet. Some of his duties include maintaining relationships with other PR personnels to secure talent interviews, brand partnerships with other successful platforms, and making sure our outlet covers the hottest events nationwide as we continue to build our namesake in the media space.

As we continue to grow, we want to build an outlet that fully captures the different and multiple facets of music of all genres. That comes from collaborations and for that, you may contact John at



IG and Twitter: @MusicXclusives

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