New Music
New Music: Frank Vocals – Love’s Taking Over (EP)

R&B singer Frank Vocals has been very active on the transitional R&B landscape in recent years. Exhibiting superior vocals and great content, the rising star continues to soar to the top of the genre with new music in fresh EP, titled, Love’s Taking Over.
Produced by GxWay, the quick collection is a lovey-dovey vibe that delivers unconditional love and the feelings it provides when you have it apart of your life. On Love’s Taking Over Frank pens a heartfelt message to a special someone giving us an A and B side to choose from. Side A is the acoustic version and it clearly highlights Frank’s unique tone and range while side B is complimented by a mean bop for the radio.
After the stream, follow Frank Vocals on Instagram for daily updates and more.
Check out Frank Vocals’ Love’s Taking Over EP below, courtesy Soundcloud.