New Video: Sadiddy Boss Ft. Skinnyfromthe9 – ‘Big Boss’ [Dir. Nilladriz]

Up-and-coming artist Sadiddy Boss nabs Atlantic Records new signee Skinnyformthe9 for his buzzworthy hit, titled, “Big Boss”. Another directorial by the talented Nilladriz, Sadiddy and Skinnyfromthe9 enjoy the fruits of the hustle and kick raps back-and-forth in a new budding hustler anthem.
Shot in New Jersey, the new tag-team hit the trap and cook up some Lindsay Lohan on-and-off the strove. Throughout the visual, Skinny and Sadiddy bring the cars out, Bel-Aire and throw around blue faces as the dice rolls in the gritty street perspective. Nilladriz continues to shine bright with his artistic execution with minimal effort, showcasing just how talented he is as a director.
Nilladriz on the direction of “Big Boss”:
“Without treatment, it enables me to be more creative to take control of the video. Skinny trusts my vision and my ability in post-production, so we made what we had available work, and just had fun with this one.”
Like “Big Boss,” check out other videos by Nilladriz on YouTube. For more on Nilladriz, follow the promising director on Instagram for daily updates and inquiries. And with Nilladriz, follow Sadiddy Boss on Instagram.
Watch “Big Boss” below.